What Are Videography Services and Why Do You Need Them?

When you think about all that’s involved in videography services, it can be overwhelming.

Does your business really need video marketing? How do you do video effectively? Where do you even start? So many things can pop up that you’re paralyzed by the sheer number of options.

When it comes to videography services and video production, all you need to know is that it’s a fancy term to identify people with the ability to help you use video to get more eyes on your business.

Kzoom’s digital marketing team is rooted in video production services. With over twenty years of experience in video, we’ve figured it all out so that you don’t have to. We produce high-quality video content every day. We shoot, edit, and publish in a multitude of ways to help our customers tell their stories. We connect you to other people and other companies. In short, we truly believe in the power of professional video services.

But, most of all, though, we know that people love videos! With over one-quarter of the world’s population visiting YouTube every month, videos give you access to a massive audience. And, ultimately, that’s the point: online videos are a huge draw. Quality videography is a great addition to your existing marketing campaigns and a proven way to tell the story of your brand.

So, what do professional videography services include?

Professional videography is a way to help your video content stand out, like a gold nugget in a pan of riverstones. But, the services included depend on the nature of your video project. Like any tool, you have to know how to use it. By hiring a videographer, you’re tapping into a wealth of knowledge: how to use high-end cinema cameras, pro audio equipment, and high-output lighting.

And, aside from equipment that produces higher quality videos, videography services provide one of the most important elements of successful videos: new ideas. A good videographer will help you tell your story in a unique, visually engaging way. If everyone is telling the same story in their videos, how can you stand out in the sea of familiarity?

That’s where videography experts come in.

A good video team knows how to make your videos stand out using creativity, style, and story. At Kzoom, we firmly believe that every company has a unique story to tell. It’s our job to create videos that tell your story, amplify it, and put it in front of your target audience.

What are the different types of marketing videos?

Professional videos have a home in every marketing strategy. From a single product video that showcases your work to animated explainer videos that describe your process, good video production can help you realize your company’s marketing goals.

What different types of video production services offer:

About Us Videos

Also known as company culture videos, the primary purpose of these videos introduce the business to the person watching. Typically used online in your digital marketing efforts, they’re designed to answer a range of questions, including:

  • What’s the history of your business?
  • What does your business do?
  • What makes your business unique?

Recruitment Videos

Recruitment videos give potential employees a glimpse into your business. Potential employees get to see and hear from current employees on topics like benefits, work-life balance, work environment and culture, and growth opportunities.

One great way to find the right people for your business is to create job-specific interview videos that highlight specific positions. By posting your recruitment videos on social media, you can get a lot of eyes on your open positions and, more importantly, attract the high-quality candidates your business needs.

Onboarding Videos

Onboarding videos streamline the orientation of new hires and give a lot of information to new employees in an engaging way. Instead of paperwork or PowerPoint presentations, a video can communicate all the information needed to get new hires up to speed, from parking procedures to dress codes.

While these videos aren’t usually shared outside of your organization, they’re designed to simplify the entire process of orientation. And, since this saves recruiters and HR managers valuable time, it allows you – and your team – to devote more time to your other efforts.

Promotional Videos

When it comes to promoting your business, there’s no better way than with a professional, engaging video production. With video representing over 80% of Internet traffic, it’s decidedly grown to become the medium that consumers expect companies to use.

Great for highlighting specific products, services, or events, high-quality promotional videos help you hype your company up. As a digital marketing tool, they’re also a great way to pique interest or drive people to your website or get them to engage with you on social media.

Testimonial Videos

If they aren’t already, testimonial videos should be a core piece of your online marketing strategy. Essentially reviews in video form, they let satisfied customers tell potential customers how your product or service has impacted them.

There’s a reason we all check the reviews on Amazon before we buy something: we want to know what others have to say, not just the seller themselves.

A neutral, third-party voice can help to instill confidence in someone who is on the fence about buying from you. Typically varying in length, testimonial videos are generally long enough to tell a compelling story but short enough to get their point across in seconds.

How-To Videos

Sometimes called tutorial videos or instructional videos, how-to videos are useful for giving step-by-step instructions for your product, system, or scenario. Varying in length depending on the process you’re showing, they’re a super effective way to add engagement to your website or in an email receipt after a customer purchases a product.

Product Videos

Product videos are pretty straightforward: they highlight a product. Part promotional video, part explainer, they tend to have a little more gusto than other videos. They dive deeper into your product: how it works, how it can help you, and what users have to say about it. These videos work great on social media, especially as short ads.

Kzoom videographer Jordan creates a product video.

What should you look for in video production services?

When you’re looking for a videography team to help create any of the videos mentioned above, there are a lot of considerations. From running a virtual event to editing your raw video, video production services involve coordinating a lot of moving parts. But, to make the process a little easier, here are a few considerations.


First, determine what level of expertise your videography team has. There are a lot of ‘video experts’ out there who claim they can ‘do video.’ But, you’ll want to make sure that you’re hiring an experienced team with a history of delivering high-quality videos.


Before working with a videography team, you should ask them to produce samples. If they have a track record of producing top-notch video, they shouldn’t have any problem providing you with a few examples.


It’s important to know how involved the videographer will be during pre-production. Planning, scripting, scheduling, and communication all occur before the cameras start rolling. If expectations aren’t set, one or more of these can fall through the cracks and make for a difficult shoot day.


To fully understand the production process, you’ll want to ask questions about the shoot day. If there are interviews, who will be facilitating them? Where will the interviews take place? What will the shoot schedule be? A good video production team can help you navigate these crucial questions.


Good video production is reliant on solid video editing. Before hiring a video production team, ask about the revision process. A good videography team can take the footage from a shoot and use it to create the desired outcome. But, most of the time, revisions will be necessary. Be sure you understand what that process looks like so that your expectations are aligned.

Can video marketing help your digital marketing strategy?

When it comes to the digital world, people watch videos. So, yes, video can absolutely integrate into your existing digital marketing strategy. As of 2024, 70% of YouTube viewers have made a purchase after seeing a brand on that platform. And, on average, Facebook ads reach more than 3.6 million users per year. So, adding video content to your current marketing strategy and campaigns is a proven way to boost visibility, enhance authority, and increase sales.

Where should you use your video content?

A good video production company will help you create videos that can be used all over the place. But, depending on the video, it may be more effective in certain places. Videos are most effective when they’re placed in front of your target audience. Reaching an older audience may require posting to Facebook, a younger audience can be found on TikTok, and long-form videos work best on YouTube. There are so many places to use videos, but here’s a quick list:

  • Social media
  • Websites
  • Newsletters
  • Ad-based landing pages
  • Online advertisements
  • Company presentations
  • Tradeshow displays

If you’re not sure about where your video content should be used, you should reach out to an SEO specialist or social media expert. With their help, you can align your videos with your marketing goals and discover the best ways to use the content you’ve created.

Let our videography services amplify your marketing efforts

At Kzoom, we tailor our video production services to meet the needs of our clients. Whether you’re a small business looking to add some oomph to your marketing efforts or you’re a global company working on an internal video project, we can help. We’ve orchestrated livestreams, hosted virtual events, created training videos, and much more.

By working closely with our clients, our video production team is able to craft extremely engaging, extremely effective video content. Our impressive portfolio is filled with videos that include custom graphics, sound design, brand elements, and visual effects. So, if you’re in need of videography services for your next project, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

To take advantage of the expertise of a digital marketing agency and get started on the road to success, contact us here and we’ll be in touch right away!

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Jordan Avery

Videography Expert

Jordan primarily produces videos and handles all motion graphics projects.

Outside of Kzoom, Jordan has achieved “Master” Listening Level through Audible, successfully taught the board game, 7 Wonders, to seven individuals simultaneously, and continually hopes the Detroit Lions can win a playoff game in his lifetime.