Create Better Experiences With Videobot's Interactive Video Marketing

In case you didn’t see it on our site, Kzoom has added interactive video marketing to its website with automated videos from Videobot. You can check it out now by visiting our homepage. Aiming to enhance accessibility and improve our site’s navigation, these videos give visitors a chance to meet our team’s members in an immersive way as they provide insight into the services they specialize in.

To ensure we’re producing the most effective websites possible, Kzoom is utilizing Videobot’s technology to turn our clients’ video content into engaging, interactive elements that take our websites to the next level.

As a way to increase engagement, videos are a proven way to deliver a memorable customer experience. And, with the average person spending 19 hours per week watching videos online, videos have become the go-to medium for marketers looking to form quick connections with their online audience.

Okay, but what is Videobot?

Videobot is a way to integrate interactive video marketing into your website’s design. By creating funnels that quickly direct people to the content they want, your site’s visitors can more easily navigate your services. And, because interactive videos let you address visitors directly, you’ll be able to increase sales and boost website engagement.

Videobot’s funnels work by stringing together several videos into a flow, sort of like a decision tree. You can welcome visitors on your homepage, provide broad information about your services, and then point them toward pages that are relevant to their interests. Of course, you can always learn more by experimenting with the Videobot flow that we’ve implemented on our own site!

See the difference professional video production makes…

To engage your customers, you’ll want high-quality video that presents your company in a professional way. On the left, you’ll see a video shot by Kzoom’s team of videographers. And, on the right, we’ve got a video filmed by Matt, a guy with a phone and no idea what he’s doing.

Professional Video

Amateur Video

How does interactive video marketing help customers?

With Videobot, each short, informative video provides information on a particular service and ends with a link to a webpage with more information. When your site’s visitors engage with your videos, they’re directed straight to the information they want, all from your site’s homepage.

With Videobot, your website is…

  • More accessible and easier to navigate than traditional menu-based sites
  • More connected and better able to address each customer’s specific needs
  • More concise and clearer in its description of your products and services
  • More direct with its calls to action, with contact links on every interactive video
  • More efficient in its ability to determine what your visitors want almost instantly

How does a business get started with interactive videos?

If you manage your own website, adding Videobot’s interactive video marketing tools is an extremely easy process. You’ll work with us and we’ll guide you through the planning process, creating a tree of information that highlights the aspects of your business you want to present to consumers. Next, we help script your message, film high-quality videos for you, edit them into individual scenes that correspond with the tree, and – once these clips are encoded – we get them added to your website so you can start interacting with viewers right away. 

Using Videobot, you’re able to…

  • Better showcase your company’s values and culture
  • Discuss every aspect of your business in an engaging way
  • Highlight the people at your company and build familiarity

And, since Videobot works in combination with Kzoom’s web development and video services, integrating their interactive video tool into your website is a breeze. All you need to do is schedule a shoot and let us handle the logistics. In no time, your videos will be live and ready to go!

Want to add interactive video marketing tools to your website?

If you’ve been searching for a way to enhance your site to better showcase your identity and culture, we’re here to assist. By partnering with Videobot, we can help you communicate every aspect of your business – from your history to your services – in a compelling way.

More importantly, you can showcase your business’s greatest assets… the people! By establishing familiarity and giving visitors a glimpse of your employees’ character, you can begin building the connections necessary to turn visitors into customers. So, if you’d like to take your website to the next level, reach out to us today to discuss the benefits of adding interactive video marketing elements to your website.

To take advantage of the expertise of a digital marketing agency and get started on the road to success, contact us here and we’ll be in touch right away!

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Justice Bomer

Filmmaker + Editor

Justice is a Detroit-born video editor who loves the steady-paced culture of Kalamazoo. When he isn’t cosplaying DBZ, you can find him playing the latest FPS games and shooting hoops! Justice is a graduate of WMU in film & media studies.